Oldham County Chamber of Commerce
Oldham County Chamber of Commerce 806.267.2828

Internet Providers

AMA TechTel
4909 Canyon Drive
Amarillo, TX 79110
Phone: 806-322-2222
Email: mailto:info@amaonline.com
Website: http://www.amatechtel.com/

XIT Communications
PO Box 1391
Dalhart, TX 79022
Phone: 806-384-7507
Email: kduggan@xitcomm.net
Website: http://www.xit.net/

Project Caruso
PO Box 710
Vega, Texas 79092
Phone: 806-683-4835
E-Mail: jcaruso001@projectcaruso.com
Website: websitesby.projectcaruso.com

Our Proud Gold Sponsors
XIT CommunicationsMr. Restore